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Useful links for Physios & Healthcare Professionals

I thought I would share a few of the links I regularly use to help me with my physiotherapy practice. None of these websites are secrets, and you may have stumbled across them in the past. I also urge you to share any of the websites that you find particularly useful in your physio/S&C practice (comment below!).

Useful Links for Healthcare Professionals:


This is one of the online calculators I regularly frequent. In my clinical practice I often work with gym-based rehab and athletes, along with completing strength testing frequently. This requires me to program and assess patients strength and capacity. This calculator allows you to add in a weight lifted and reps completed, giving you all of the estimated weights for each rep range. This allows you to program based upon you 1RM (e.g. 80% of 1RM), or estimate your 1RM for those patients who are inappropriate to complete a true 1RM test on (e.g. 3RM or 5RM etc).


The treadmill pace calculator is useful when working with runners who regularly complete treadmill sessions. Additionally, I use this in my running assessments to determine what treadmill speed is appropriate to assess the athlete at based upon their normal run/training session speed.


The race pace calculator allows you to estimate your 'race time' based upon time, distance and/or pace per km/mile. Can be useful when planning running programs based upon training session pace, and goal race pace.


The online outcome measure database used to be known as 'Rehab measures', but has rebranded. However, it still contains an excellent list of online questionnaires. It has over 500 on the database in all areas of physiotherapy including musculoskeletal and neurological. It also gives you evidence supporting these outcome measures.

More here:


I stumbled upon Ortho Tool Kit when looking for a spreadsheet to calculate outcome measures. Anyone who has tried to manually calculate outcome measures (e.g. KOOS) will know how long it takes. These online questionnaires can be filled out easily, and scored easily, on the website. You can even send these links to your patients to fill out.


This website was a game changer for me during my studies, granting me access to many journal articles. It's a must for those studying or looking to regularly source out research.

A few others:

These other links are some I have saved over the journey, but don't use as frequently. They are potentially worth looking at:

As mentioned before, if you have any great link or website you find make your job easier, comment below so I can use them too!

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